Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Coyle Girls

February 1972

After one 3 day vacation I came back to the ship's dock just before 9:00 a.m. to find the ship was gone. It had already taken off for the day and I was left alone on the dock until several minutes later when Berney Coyle drove up with his very sweet wife and two daughters ages 12 and 14. Berney was also on vacation so seeing that we both missed the boat, he offered to take me around with him and his family for the day.

I sat in the back seat with his 2 daughters Karen and Kim. These 2 girls were the cutest kids with a ton of energy. While we drove back into town the two girls discovered that I had a little pack of scripture memory cards that my girlfriend gave to me early in our unhealthy dating relationship. The girls asked me what they were and I told them what they were. "What do they say?" one would ask. Then the other would say, "What do they mean?" This went on and on as I read one after another.

I was not doing well with my spiritual life and I didn't want to talk about Jesus with 2 kids in front of their parents who believed something else. I prefered talking to the parents directly first. I was in a bind, so I only answered the bare minimum of each question that was bombarding me. At the end of our trip I let them keep the bible verse cards.

Berney lived with his family in a house boat where we stayed until the ship came back to port when Berney and I went back to the ship.

Several days later Berney came to me, "What did you do to my girls?" "What do you mean?" I replied. Berney explained, "They pray together and they jump up and down on their beds reciting bible verses." Fortunately for me, Berney was perplexed but not bothered by the events. In fact, he asked me to take them to a Christian church. I took them to South Side AG after which they told me that they loved the music but didn't like the preacher who was a too loud.

I never saw them again, but from time to time I pray for them.

Friday, February 27, 2009

If That Isn't Love

March 1972

I had broken up with my girlfriend and one day fiance a week before the day I went to the officer's quarters to ask Brian about something. Brian had a Jimmy Swaggart tape in his tape recorder playing in the background as I sat down to ask him about whatever I needed to ask him.

In the background a song came on I never heard before called, "How Long Has It Been?" The words cut through me:

How long has it been since you talked with the Lord
And told him your heart's hid in secrets
How long since you prayed how long since you stayed
On your knees till the light shone through
How long has it been since your mind felt at ease
How long since your heart knew no burden
Can you call him your friend how long has it been since you knew that he cared for you
How long has it been since you knelt by and then prayed to the Lord up in heaven
How long since you knew that he'd answer you
And would keep you the long night through
How long has it been since you woke with the dawn and felt this day is worth living
Can you call him your friend how long has it been since you knew that he cared for you

I sobbed uncontrollably out loud.

After the song I explained to Brian that I had backslidden and as I finally gained my composure another song came on written by Dottie Rambo:

He left the splendor of heaven
Knowing His destiny
It was the lonely hill of Golgotha
There to lay down His life for me

And if that isn't love
Then the ocean is dry
There's no stars in the sky
And the sparrows can't fly
If that isn't love
Then heaven's a myth
There's no feeling like this
If that isn't love

Even in death He remembered
The thief hanging by His side
Then he spoke of love and compassion
And He took him to paradise

And if that isn't love
Then the ocean is dry
There's no stars in the sky
And the sparrows can't fly
If that isn't love
Then heaven's a myth
There's no feeling like this
If that isn't love

Without the Word and Prayer in my life, there was a huge void. I felt alienated from God, like God was disappointed in me and I didn't want to face it or deal with it. This void didn't come overnight but came gradually, day by day, so slowly that I didn't realize I had fallen and had no clue how far from God I was. My attitude changed as I became more and more critical about the church and people in it. 

Even when I knew that I had fallen, I had no clue how to get back out of the pit I had dug for myself. I felt God was angry with me and would not want me back right away, but while in this state, in Brian's room, my life placed back on track as I listened to the words of God's forgiveness in the songs.

I felt like the Prodigal Son felt in Luke 15, who left his home and turned his back on his father in order to get "freedom" and to be on his own. He had friends and partied until one day his income dried up and he was left without anywhere to go. He sold himself to the lowest of jobs until he finally decided it was time to swallow his pride and go home. So with his tail between his legs he went back home.

The parable is surprising, because we learn that his dad was waiting for him. His dad didn't scold him, lecture him, get angry or yell at him. His dad ran to his son and hugged him with the biggest and most intense hug. I felt that in Brian's room. It was overwhelming and that is why all I could do is cry.

The story in Luke 15 continues to say that dad then gave his lost son clean clothes and threw the best welcome home party.

I wept again and I knew that God loved me.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Girl Who Broke My Heart

April 1972

Pam stood in the choir week after week and I never noticed her, until one day her deep blue eyes fell upon me and mine upon hers'; we were dating shortly after. Most of our dates were exciting Sunday mornings holding hands in the back of the church, but after a month or two of dating I showed up at church and Pam was not sitting in the back of the church awaiting my presence, she was sitting in the front of the church with her parents. My heart sank.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hitching a Ride to Tampa

May 1972

My sister Cindy was visiting a friend in Tampa, so I hitched a ride to Tampa in order to visit her. I was getting better with witnessing (telling people about Jesus) because from time to time Ray and I use to go out witnessing together so I was quickly getting the hang of it.

Hitchhiking in the early 70s was not too difficult and a lot of young people did it. It usually took about 15 minutes to an hour before somebody would pick me up. On my ride to Tampa I was picked up by a guy my age who seemed to be a nice enough fellow, so as our conversation went, I looked for opportunity to talk about Jesus. The opportunity hit and when he realized the subject we were on he said, "I don't need that stuff." In return I asked him what he was looking for in life. He said, "Peace." Now most of you will know where this goes. "Jesus can give that to you," I told him.

In witnessing there is something far more important and far deeper than being good at talking and answering. That something is the Holy Spirit drawing one to Christ. One writer called God the Hound of Heaven because the Holy Spirit of God pursues and draws people to Christ. I cannot for the life of me do the work the Holy Spirit does. I cannot give people the conviction and the hunger needed to bring somebody to a new life in Christ. Only God can do that.

With the few words I shared with the driver, I saw the transformation - his combative defense turned immediately. He was hungry to know all about Jesus... so much so that he drove me to my sister's place and hung out for awhile.

The problem was this: Even though he was hungry I didn't ask him the basic question, "Would you like to give your life to Christ?" Why not? I had not yet learned when people are ready to be asked that question. In fact, it was only after I reflected on that night that I realized that he was ready and willing, and all I had to do is ask him if he would like to make that decision.

Are you ready?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The People You Meet Hitchhiking

With my thumb out I got all types of drivers to pick me up and drive my to whatever destination I was going to. The Coast Guard Station was very close to the Navy Station in Jacksonville, so from time to time Navy men stopped to give me rides. However, on one occasion two very lonely and not so pretty Navy wives stopped their car. As the one got out of the car to fit me in-between them in the front I saw the set up, but hopped in without worry - maybe I was naive or maybe I just felt invincible, I don't know, I just didn't feel threatened. Sandwiched in they were looking at each other anticipating what they would do next.

Then the driver turned to me and asked, "Is that a Bible in your hand?" I assured her it was. With resignation she admitted, "You know what we was gonna do to you?" I played stupid even though I knew exactly what they were up to. "We was gonna rape you." Within the 20 minute drive home I told them about Jesus, prayed with them and got them to commit to going to church.

As a single guy I use to wish good looking girls would pick me up, but it was always guys or as in the one case lonely Navy wives. One day as I bemoaned my lot I mentioned to the Lord, "Why can't I ever get any good looking girls to pick me up?" Seconds later a car full of 10 girls stopped and drove me the next leg of the way. I jammed into a the car with all of the girls singing Christian songs - they were on their way to the local Church of God (another Pentecostal church). I felt like this was God's humor on my behalf. I prayed for one and he gave me ten.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Night of Fear

June 1972

Our ship stayed for a few nights in Miami, FL which meant I couldn't go to visit my friends and church. So I decided to take my bible and my thumb with me and check out Miami. I was really good with directions and had no idea where anything was so I thought I would just go aimlessly and explore...oh my, what a mistake I made. I should have stayed at the ship, but I was hoping to discover something special in Miami.

After catching a ride downtown I somehow ended up walking through the poorest and the most dangerous place in Miami (a few short years before riots ruled the streets). Tension was in the air, a lot of people were out in the streets at night and I was walking through the streets like a fish out of water. Up until then, I had been in many different and sometimes scary situations that somehow didn't faze me much, but walking by myself through the streets with people staring at me like I didn't belong scared me. I picked up my pace and walked as fast as I could trying to find my way out of the neighborhood I got into. As I was speed walking down the street hoping the end was close somebody said, "That bible isn't going to save him here."

Several blocks later I was out safely on a highway ready to go home. Whether it was the bible or not, I made it out without any problems and got back on the highway where I hitched a ride back to the ship.

A very expensive foreign sports car with 2 seats stopped in front of me so I ran up to it, opened the door and as I was sitting down I saw the driver. She was an amazingly beautiful girl with a very short skirt who lived in the Bahamas and asked me what there was to do in Miami and if I would like to show her the town.

What was I going to show her, the streets I had just been on?

I told her I didn't know of anything and when we came to the dock, I got out of the car, thanked her for the ride and went to bed.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jethro Tull in 1972 with Ray

August 1972

Looking for stuff to do Ray and I decided to talk to people outside a Jethro Tull concert. So we drove down and found people to talk to. Usually, when we witnessed we would split for different reasons. I preferred talking to people alone rather than with another Christian. As best as I can figure, it was because I didn't like ganging up on somebody else... and there was another reason - I was competitive and Ray (unacknowledged to me at the time) was as good as me if not better at witnessing.

Even though I had a success or two in helping others pray to become Christian, my great victories that night were overshadowed by Ray's.

The night was winding down and it was time for me to meet up with Ray again, but when I found him he was with 10 guys praying to become Christian. Before they left they all gave Ray their drugs to destroy.

Now don't go thinking Ray kept those drugs; he did get rid of them.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Charismatics

May 1972

Most people do not differenciate between Pentecostals and Charismatics. Even if somebody belongs to one of these groups, chances are, that somebody has no clue there is a difference, but there is.

The Pentecostals began at the turn of the Century 110 years ago (1900) and grew among poorer and seemingly less educated until 50 years later they rose through the economic ranks and became acceptable among other evangelicals in the 60s and 70s.

Pentecostals said that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit comes after conversion and is always evidenced by the speaking in tongues. If you don't speak in tongues, you are not baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Traveling evangelists coming from the Pentecostals held tent meetings in different states who made amazing claims of healings and even raising people from the dead. The Assemblies of God (Pentecostal denomination) decided back in the 40s and 50s that these people were not on the up and up - they were false prophets, phony, get the picture.

The Charismatics started in 1960 by an Episcopal priest - Father Dennis Bennett who led his congregation into the pentecostal experience. The movement grew to millions within a few short years reaching almost every Protestant and then even Catholic denomination.

Like the Pentecostals, the Charismatics teach that there is a 2nd experience called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, but unlike the Pentecostals the Charismatics believe one can be baptized with the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues. To be sure the gifts are taught and practiced, but tongues are not necessary.

Those Charismatics who were not associated with or those coming out of a denomination started their own churches, every one having the names "Word of..." in it - just kidding, kind of....

Whereas Pentecostal denominational leaders didn't like those traveling evangelists making wild assertions of raising the dead and the like, the Charismatics loved them and promoted their writings and their teachings.

Even though churches like the AG even now try to keep some of the Charismatic teachings out, a lot of the Pentecostal pastors promote and accept the Charismatic teachings and influences, thus many Pentecostal do not even know there is a difference between the two groups.

Ok if that didn't confuse you, you are doing pretty good. The point of the whole thing is this - there is a difference between the Charismatics and the Pentecostals. In 1972 I was smack dab in the middle of both camps, going to a Pentecostal church and listening and attending meetings of Charismatic teachers, of whom Derek Prince was my favorite.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Derek Prince and Healing

May 1972

One night Brian took me and some others on the ship to a large arena with a Charismatic speaker named Derek Prince. From the moment he began, I idolized him. He had an English accent and unlike most Pentecostal preachers of that time he spoke from the intellectual side of Christianity. Pentecostals that I knew focused so much on the emotional that I really had no clue there was an intellectual side to my faith. Prince was educated at Cambridge University and was an expert in Biblical Greek and Hebrew.

I learned so much from him the two or three nights I went to see him. On the first night he taught about the Word of Faith and claiming. He told us that our words are important and can actually make or break healing. If I have a disease, I should never accept it, but by faith speak it out of my life. WOW! I loved it.

So at the end of his talk he invited people up for healing - the easy ones first (as he stated). The easy ones were people like you and me who have one arm or one leg that is about 1/16 of an inch shorter than the other. Oh my gosh, we all had a short arm and a short leg. Before long the entire audience was practicing healing with each others' arms and legs. I got it so that I could tell every time, which of the two arms or legs was getting healed / lengthened and tell that to the person getting healed- and Shazam - they agreed, "You're right it was that arm / leg." I was floating in heaven.

After that tremendous outpouring of really not so needed healing, Derek invited the bigger needs for healing to come forward. A man in a wheelchair went on stage. Derek layed his hands on him and prayed for him and while we all waited for a great working of God, nothing happened. Derek prayed some more and still nothing happened.

Before things got uneasy in the audience Derek told the man in the wheelchair before the entire audience, "Go home and read more of the Bible so your faith can grow, then come back." That was so amazing - he needed more faith! I learned so much from Derek. Jesus met people who lacked faith and made up the difference never turning them away unhealed, but this was Derek Prince - the most amazing speaker of Christianity I ever heard until that time. Best of all, Derek quoted Greek words from the Bible. I was truly blown away - this guy was so educated.

I learned from Derek that I could claim power over sickness every time and that only a lack of faith could keep me or anybody else from being healed.

Several months later I was on the ship being tossed around by waves on the Atlantic Ocean. I was so seasick I really longed for death. But I learned from Derek Prince that I could claim healing from sea sickness if I spoke the words. So I claimed and claimed. I spoke and spoke, "I am healed, in Jesus name I am...." I threw up.

As the vomit came out all over the ship's deck everything I learned about naming and claiming came out with it. In that moment I discovered what many others have: in most cases, naming and claiming just doesn't work in real life.

But Derek Prince had a second night with even cooler stuff to learn.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Derek Prince and Demons

May 1972

On the second night Derek Prince taught in Jacksonville Beach arena, Derek told us aobut his struggle with certain personal sins. Even though he fasted and prayed, he never found victory until God revealed to him that he was possessed by a demon. No kidding, there was a demon possessing him and making him do whatever nasty things he was doing. He talked about bad habits people have - they were habits because demons were possessing us. Oh my gosh I had a demon, maybe even two.

Hundreds of us Christians went forward to be delivered from demons by Derek Prince that night and as he prayed for us I felt the demons leave, no kidding I felt them leave me.

I took that message to several other people (Chirstians) for the next months telling them they needed deliverence from demons (my favorite one was the demon of finger nail biting), but I would eventually come to a crisis of faith - my experience of being delivered vs. the Bible which seemed to point me to a different conclusion entirely, a conclusion stating that if I am in Christ I am free indeed. I don't remember the exact verses I was reading, but I do remember the internal dialogue. I was struggling between what I saw the bible telling me and my personal experience which was very real. I remember actually saying out loud, "What about my experiences?" Immediately afterward I looked at the bible and this verse stood right out: "Let God be true, but every man be found a liar."

I decided then and there that the bible would take precedence over any experience I had. I also decided that even though the Charismatic teachers I had been idolizing quoted a lot of scripture verses, they weren't always that scriptural.

But that decision was made several months after I had learned about how to cast out demons from Christians and in those months God did use my goofy zeal for casting out demons for good purposes as was the case one night when I got a phone call very early in the morning while I was on the ship. It was a Christian ship mate's wife who was crying and scared, asking me to come over as soon as possible.

To be continued...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Latenight Phonecall

June 1972

As I mentioned in my last blog I went through a time when I believed Christians could be demon possessed. I began seeing it everywhere, even in finger nail biting habits. OK so I eventually saw the light while reading the scriptures and came to the conclusion that Christians couldn't be demon possessed like I thought. But I did learn something in the long run...we have power over spiritual matters and we are expected as Christians to use that power.

Billy was a friend from the ship I was on. Like Tommy he was a drinker before he became Christian and like Tommy he liked to fight before he was a Christian. While I was still looking for demons around every corner I got a call from Billy's wife asking me to come over right away because something bad had happened to Billy. So I hitchhiked the 20 or so miles it took to get to their apartment.

I knocked on the door at 1:30 in the morning and was told to come in. Billy was there and his wife was next to him. She had been beaten. I noticed that Billy's pants were drenched from urine as he got up from the couch I also saw that he had intense hate in his eyes. "What's he doing here?" he yelled as he came straight for me. I saw immediately the hate and the demonic in his eyes... and I knew what I was dealing with.

Now as an ex hippie wannabe I didn't fight. I ran from most fights, was afraid of them and whenever they started I would usually get out quickly unless I knew the other person was like me a non fighter - than I fought. But as a Christian I wouldn't fight with anybody, however, Billy was a fighter and that usually would have scared me, but as he plowed toward me, I got bold. I commanded "In the name of Jesus, get behind me Satan!"

Billy immediately dropped to the ground and wept. Minutes later he passed out.

When he woke up he appologized to me and to his wife. He was still very drunk but was right with his God. I found out later that Billy had been drunk once before as a Christian and witnessed to everybody on the ship while he was staggaring around - the unbelievers liked to spread that story.

Billy told me that he and his wife had a fight that night so he left the apartment to cool down and get a drink. He also told me that as he took the first drink he could feel Satan enter.

Was Billy demon possessed? Absolutely not. Had he an experience with Satan? Yes. So what's the difference? Even if I had not been there, when he sobered Satan would no longer be latching on. Call it what you will, but it is not possession.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Weird Girlfriend

June 1971

She was annoying and bothered a lot of people. She demanded a lot of attention and seemed to cry out, "Look at me everybody!" I've met so many like her since then, they're usually wounded from childhood and attention starved. She was not only attention starved but she was super hyper. She was a disaster and yet...she was very cute.

I asked her out on a date and took her to a Christian concert. It was nothing great, we had fun and when the night was over she took me inside her house to meet her parents and then into her bedroom where she showed me pictures of herself in a bikini. I had a strange feeling she was trying to let me know she wanted to go bed with me. Fortunately I didn't feel tempted whatsoever.

On the way home that night I decided I would continue to go out with her, but only for the sake of discipling her - she needed spiritual direction / help. I actually felt it was my Christian responsibility to help her. I believed she needed me to help her spiritually.

I took her to another AG church the following Sunday because I was too embarrassed to take her to South Side Assembly where people knew me. After the service I hung around and met a guy who was in the Navy, who immediately after introductions started talking to me about his tour of duty in Honolulu.

He told me that in Hawaii he was going out with a girl for the sole purpose of discipling her. He told me he had the best intentions and had no interest in her sexually, but as he discipled her things went wrong and he fell into sexual affair with her and backslid.

I took my date home that night and never saw her again. And as for my responsibility to help her out in the faith, I decided to put her in God's hands.

I never saw the Navy man again because I never went back to that church again. But I think I should have told him that night that his story was straight from heaven - he saved me from a crud load of trouble.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Orange VW

August 1972

I had off 10 days in August to go home to Milwaukee, travel to the family cottage in Minaqua, WI and buy a new car. I had enough of hitchhiking and was getting a new car - a brand new orange VW bug for $1,895.

I've already mentioned that my family is a bunch of artists, well I am good with drawing letters, so I painted my own racing stripe on the driver side that said, "Jesus Is Lord." It was flawless. It was cool.

After awhile I bagan putting stickers on it, first the bumpers and eventually other places as well. A year I had an accident with it. I was in Miami, FL, it was rush hour traffic, I had bald tires, it had just started raining, and the pavement changed to a real smooth surface. I fish-tailed going 65 mph and then the car spun out of control moving through all 3 lanes, hitting the guard rail and then sliding through all three lanes again settling at the edge of the road.

I was shaking, but somehow I avoided every car and a tractor-trailer who nearly missed me as I slid back and forth on the freeway and the car did pretty well having only a damaged fender. The police man at the scene saw my stickers plastered on the car, saw one that said "Honk if you love Jesus," and asked me if I honked.

Within weeks of getting the car, Ray put brackets under the dash for me to keep my bible and it had no air conditioning - months later I drove through the desert with
the windows rolled up because the outside air was hotter than the inside baking going on.

In 1975 with almost 70,000 miles the orange VW was totalled and I spent a month in the hospital after being unconscious for 24 hours. But that's another story.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Revival at Home


By the time I got home in August 1972 Cindy and David were going to church regularly at Elmbrook and attending "Forever Family" during the week - the bible study fellowship begun by Wyn Couchman. In Madison, WI my older brother Marc was also beginning to go to church regularly, having broken up with his long-time girlfriend because she didn't want to join him on his new spiritual journey.

The last time I had been at home I was absurdly zealous, leaving Christian literature everywhere and destroying all my albums. I suppose I did everything wrong, but I heard Marc talking to his girlfriend on the phone saying that this form of Christianity made sense. Now months later he was in church and living the life of a new-born Christian.

The first night I was home I spent alone with my sister Mary (the second youngest in the family of seven kids). I wanted to talk to her about Christ but was afraid to. Inside I thought she was too hardened to care, so I said nothing until she asked, "So how's this Christianity going?" I asked her what she thought about Christ and that within several minutes she was praying to receive Christ.

The next day I drove to Northern WI to my parents' summer home. The whole family was there as well as our next door neighbor (from Milwaukee) Paul, who was Dave and Eric's friend. Paul and I got into a discussion about religion, Christ, and the world. He kept on bringing up problems with Christianity, "What about people in Africa who have never heard?" "Why do bad things happen if God is good?" etc. These are questions that are very common among people who are looking for ways to discount the God of Chrisianity. They are also questions I could not answer, neither can I today.

To be sure I gave a few of the pat answers, "There is suffering in the world because of sin," and so on, but the answers went nowhere and seemed hollow. Finally, I looked at Paul and said, "I don't know the answers, but I do know this: Jesus died for you. What are YOU going to do about it?" We ended the conversation with that.

That same day I saw my brother Eric walking up the path so I asked him what is he going to do about Christ. He said he already believed. I asked him why he still lived the way he did and also told him that believing is not enough, for after all, the devils also believe.

Shortly after my youngest sister Pat came into the house and I asked her what she was going to do about Jesus. She wanted to give her life to Christ, so we prayed.

During the next few days my 2 brothers and Paul were discussing Christianity and decided that it made sense. I was told that Paul with whom I had the argument was feeling different.

Days later, back in Milwaukee, I was driving my new orange VW. David was in the front and Paul and Eric were in the back. I had not talked to Paul since our argument and asked him, "Paul, would you like to give your life to Christ?" He said yes, so while I drove he repeated a prayer with me to become a newborn Christian. Years later Eric told me that he too prayed in the car with Paul.

At Elmbrook Church all of my brothers (except Marc who was going to a Madison church) and all of my sisters met up with all 5 of my cousins who had recently become Christian. I began to realize somebody out there had been praying for us and the one who came to mind was the one who always told us she was praying for us - Grandma Winnie - the same one I had mockingly warned my brothers, "Watch out because Grandma is praying for us."

Before I went back to the ship in FL my sister Cindy introduced me to a friend she met at church. Cindy kept talking to her friend about her older brother who had become a new Christian after being in drugs and one day Cindy showed her a picture of me. The girl couldn't believe what she saw. Only a year and a half ago, she sat next to me in History class and prayed for me every day because she knew I was stoned day after day.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Jehovah Witness and His Friend


With a new VW I no longer needed to hitchhike. Instead, I was able to pick up hitchhikers and on my drive from Milwaukee to Jacksonville, I did just that. On the freeway somewhere between those two cities I picked up 2 guys hitchhiking.

I don't remember how we got on the topic of Christ, in those days I just found ways to bring Christ into the conversation. I looked for any opportunity and the opportunities came. Most people I talked to didn't have a problem with it either. Sometimes people would argue and in those cases I let them say their say and let it go; but most of the times they would listen and oftentimes they would make decisions for Christ. Preaching the Gospel was rarely offensive to others.

I do remember one time I was on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale at the same time a lot of Jesus People were witnessing. I was talking to one guy about Christ when his friend came by and said, "If I see one more Jesus Freak, I am going to hit him." The guy I was talking to corrected him, "This guy's different, he makes sense." But his friend got the upper hand and they left.

Back to my drive back to FL from WI. I picked up these 2 guys and somehow we got to talking about Christ. Both were into drugs, one was brought up Christian and the other brought up Jehovah Witness.

Now understand, Jehovah Witnesses believe that only 1,000 people will go to heaven, because at one time the religion was less than 1,000, but once the church grew bigger than 1,000 the doctrine changed. They still teach that only 1,000 will go to heaven, but the rest they say, will live on the earth that will be changed into a paradise.

During our conversation, the guy who was brought up Christian rededicated his life to Christ which annoyed his JW friend and seemed to spark new dedication to JW. While we continued our dialogue the rededicated Christian and I got excited about heaven. His Jehovah Witness friend said, "I'm not going to heaven!" We both knew that he meant he was going to live on the earth forever, but we both chimed in, "I'm going to heaven!"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Vision

November 1972

I wanted to be spiritual more than anything. I wanted God to talk to me regularly and when I heard preachers and Christian teachers, it seemed like God talked to them all the time. I wanted that for me too. I had a few times where it was clear to me that God was talking to me through a song, or a friend, or even a quiet something inside. But it wasn't enough, I always wanted more, so I began mistaking my own feelings and thoughts for those of God's voice.

In the middle of all this I had a real vision. I was at Ray's house lying down on his sofa and I went almost but not quite asleep. In the vision I saw a rock in the distance and it was awesome and beautiful. I marvelled at it and said, "I want to build my house right here!" But then I heard a voice saying, "Why don't you build on the rock?"

I got up from the couch and made nothing of the vision / dream, because it made no sense to me, but within four months I would know exactly what it meant and I wasn't too proud of what I learned.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Prophecy

I was driving around some guys from church and some of their friends when one of the girls said she had some messages from God. Supposedly she had a gift of prophecy which meant she could prophesy about our lives and about our futures. She began with the others telling them how they struggled and how God was going to help them and so on.

When it was my turn she told me that God had plans for me to become a great prophet.

I was floored. I didn't expect that and was absolutely awed by what she said. When I got back to the ship that night I thought about it over and over. What I did not see was how close this was to my LSD experience 2 1/2 years previously when I was told that God would make me a great musician after the death of Hendrix. I didn't connect the lines and fell into the trap.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Great Prophet Ted

From the moment a prophecy was given to me that I would be a great prophet I was a new person. I felt honored and proud. I dug into the bible with a renewed interest and studied it diligently and for the next 3 months, I considered myself in preparation for greatness, but I was under a cloud of deception.

Somebody once said that no one is tempted who does not want to be tempted. I wanted to be great and I wanted every part of what it would be to be a great prophet. I imagined myself along the lines of Derek Prince speaking to large crowds in auditoriums about scriptural truths that were revealed just to me.

But something bothered me during those three months: I studied the bible but never learned about Jesus and his ministry on earth. I never learned about the cross and the resurrection and what they meant. When I prayed about it, I felt like God was telling me that it was O.K. and that would come later. But after 3 months of this I read 1 John 4:1-3:

Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can know the Spirit of God: every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ come in the flesh belongs to God, and every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus does not belong to God. This is the spirit of the antichrist that, as you heard, is to come, but in fact is already in the world.

The inward battle was huge. I saw the ramifications of these verses very clearly. I once again had fallen into a lie. Even though I was reading the bible, I was being misled. That night I decided to start all over again in my faith. Up until that night I had gravitated toward just about every new teaching and preaching that came along because I wanted everything God had, but I needed to start all over.

This is where I started:

1. Jesus Christ in the flesh, death and resurrection is first and foremost in the faith.
2. One must be born again to receive eternal life.
3. There is a Baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers with the evidence of praying in tongues. I did refine this one in the following years, but that night I held strongly to it.

As I saw it, everything else had to go... all my experiences, training and teachings - even what I was learning in the bible. I trusted no one to give me truth unless it was founded in one of the three statements I mentioned above. I felt like I had to destroy the building of faith that I had constructed for a year and a half and that was hard for me. I took comfort in the fact that there was a lot of material in the rubble of that building that could be used to build a new building. I just didn't know what material would fit where.

I didn't think about it then, but months later I remembered the vision I had at Ray's house - the vision where I wanted to build my house NEAR a huge and glorious rock and I heard a voice, "Why don't you build ON the Rock?" The night I read 1 John 4 - the night I started all over was the night I began building on the Rock.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What Is Wrong with Joe?

Joe was a different kind of guy, I guess I'd call him an oddball. His personality was annoying and clueless of social skills, yet every believer on the ship tried to help him become a strong Christian and every believer eventually gave up trying.

Before we all gave up on Joe, several of us with Joe had finished a meal at a restaraunt and were on our way out. Joe went up to the hostess and with all seriousness said, "Jesus is coming back tomorrow!" I cringed inside. I would like to say I couldn't believe what he just did, but that would not be true. I could believe that Joe would say something like that, he was weird. As embarrased as I was, I noticed something I did not expect - the hostess was not only surprised, she was genuinely concerned.

So I turned to her and told her, "He's not coming tomorrow, but if he did, would you be ready?" She said, "No." I couldn't pray for her (that would be real tacky in the middle of her work), so I told her how to turn her life around for Christ and we left.

Within time we all gave up on Joe, but God didn't as you will see in the next blog.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Joe and the Unbelievable Lady

MARCH 1973

I moved to a lot of different cities and visited a lot of different churches during my 4 years in the Coast Guard and in many of them, after church services I seemed to gravitate toward older ladies, probably because they reminded me of my Grandmother in ways. The ones I liked were sweet, wise, spiritual and most of the time, prayer warriors.

In 1975 I talked a lot to Sister Sarah who was a lady bound to her wheel chair, but I was sure had a direct line with God. I brought up prayer requests with her on many occasions. In Baltimore, there was one lady who was simply awesome. I don't know how I found these people, but I did.

The Setup

There were two churches I visited in Baltimore. The first was a Pentecostal Church that was very anti-Charismatic and the second was a Charismatic church. The Pentecostal one had a pair of children's crutches on the wall to commemorate the healing of one of their kids. The Charismatic church had nothing special in it except one older lady who was very gifted - genuinely gifted. Oh yes, and there was another weird lady who hung out there, but that's another story entirely.


Besides being odd, Joe was the kind of guy who was Christian one day and partier/drunk the next. He just couldn't make up his mind which direction to go. All of the Christians on board the ship had tried to help him but gave up on him, eventually I too gave up - Joe was hopeless.

One night I was going to go to a Bible Study headed by this awesome older lady, but while I was preparing to go I was facing an internal struggle. I felt that I should take Joe to the Bible Study but I didn't want to. The feeling was very strong so I finally gave in and asked Joe to go with me.

For the next 45 minutes in the car Joe told me that he had his whole life planned out - finding a woman to marry, settle down, be happy and not be strong Christian but not a bad one either. During those 45 minutes I said nothing- I was disgusted.

We walked into the Study and the older lady started talking about seeing many visions of heaven and hell. She said heaven was marvelous, but she wouldn't wish her worst enemy to go to hell, but the bible says that God would rather us be hot or cold, not lukewarm for if we are lukewarm Jesus will spit us out of his mouth. She then addressed every issue Joe brought up in the car. She did not miss one issue that Joe brought up - she brought up the fact that life isn't a bed of roses where you find the perfect wife and you live happily ever after. She mentioned everything Joe talked about and mentioned nothing more. It was just like she was there listening to us.

After she had been talking about 10 minutes Joe spoke up, "I guess I've been lukewarm." We prayed for him that night and several days later I was transfered to Peteluma, CA, where a whole new chapter of my life began. I never saw Joe again.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


APRIL 1973

I went to California to study 3 months to be a Storekeeper. Storekeepers took care of the finances of ships and stations. I was good with numbers and Storekeeper's school was the place for me.

I learned from a California hitchhiker that because of a lot of rain the California hills were greener than they had been for years. It was a great introduction to California for me.

The Coast Guard station was several miles out of Peteluma in a very pretty area filled with rolling hills only a few miles from the Pacific Ocean. Peteluma was a cute little city that was so quaint that George Lucas chose Peteluma in which to film American Graffiti.

In 1973 California was still in the 60s. Hippies still remained, San Francisco's Haight Ashbury section was still alive but no longer the dream it once promised. And there were still hippie communes, one of which I will tell you about within the next blog or two.

Friday, February 6, 2009

California Girlfriend

APRIL 1973

There were 3 places I went to for fellowship in Peteluma. The first was a large Assemblies of God about 30 miles North. Even though I went to that church two weeks I do remember beginning tithing there (on a regular basis). I had been getting progressively convicted (feeling like the Holy Spirit was tugging at me) but was waiting for a worthy work to give my money to. I don't remember what happened, but I do remember that I got very convicted one day about dragging my feet and judging that some "work" deserved my money, while the church I attended wasn't good enough or something like that. From then on I religiously gave my 10% to whatever church I was attending.

After a couple of weeks at the AG I decided to stay closer to home so I went to a small Christian and Missionary Alliance church in Peteluma. The CMA was not a Pentecostal or a Charismatic church, it was a very normal quiet but nice church in downtown Peteluma.

During my first day at church, I noticed a girl with a black eye in the back of the church who kept looking at me. No doubt a small church like this offered little opportunity for dating material. I may have been the only eligible bachelor to have walked through those doors for years... no wonder she kept on looking. I didn't mind it though, she was nice looking and I introduced myself to her and she invited me to have lunch with her and her family. I LOVED her family - mom, dad (who worked on the Golden Gate bridge), little sister, Grandma and Grandpa. I hung out at their house from then until I was stationed elsewhere. I did date her officially, but I loved her family so much that I sometimes felt disappointed leaving her family to go out on our date.

The 3rd place I visited to fellowship was a Jesus' Hippie community. It was a house where Christian hippies lived and fellowshiped. They had a Pentecostal flavor and were young, carefree hippies. On one occasion we all went up North to a river and swung on ropes into the water from a hill on the side. The foliage made the river and its surroundings picturesque.

I found out early on that there was a lady at the CMA church that did not like the Jesus' Hippies and the story I was told from both sides was definitely one for the books... but then that's for my next blog.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Witnessing in Peteluma to 2 Hitchhikers

MAY 1973

There are two events I remember in CA that stand out. The first was picking up a hitchhiker on the way into Peteluma at night. When two hitchhikers got into my car I had a very strong feeling that I should ask them if they knew Jesus loved them. Inside I was a wreck. I felt very strongly that it it was a stupid thing to say to perfectly unknown strangers.

When I talked with people about Christ I usually talked with them looking for opportunities in our discussions to talk with them about Christ in ways that interested them (I have to admit that I did hand out these pamphlets called tracts - many of which were pretty bad to say the least - but at least they provided avenues to talk..."What's this?" "Are you one of those people?" etc. Any one of these were great avenues for beginning a good conversation). But until 1973 I had never just gone up to somebody without some sort of something to hand out and said, "Did you know that Jesus loves you?" I was put off, but I couldn't shake it, so I turned to my captives, "Did you know that Jesus loves you?"

Silence was quickly broken as the guy in the back chokingly answered, "Do you know where we're going? ... We're going to get drunk." He told me he was a Christin who had fallen away. He was very close to crying, so I talked with him about resurrendring his life to Christ. His friend, however, was not at all interested, but rather was looking forward to partying for the rest of the night. And that's all I remember from that event.

I do have other memories of talking with people about Christ, but two stand out from the rest. The second stand out memory had to do with a fellow Chrisian from the station which I will tell you all about in my next blog.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Witnessing in Oakland, CA

MAY 1973

I made a good friend (I don't remember his name) at the Coast Guard base who was a practicing Pentecostal Christian. Sometime before we became friends I had been reading in the bible that I should be slow to speak (James) and let my words be few (Proverbs), so literally following these books I said as little as possible. No kidding for a month I hardly said anything - try that sometime, it is eye opening. I did talk, but I tried to only when necessary or for edification of others.

The Story:
How I made a friend without saying much is a mystery, but one weekend he invited me to go to his home in Oakland, CA. We visited his AG church on Sunday, and on Saturday we went to a park to talk to people about Christ.

When I went places for the purpose of talking about Christ (witnessing), I usually liked to go it alone as I mentioned in another blog. Going by 2s seems like ganging up on victims, and to be honest, I didn't like the way others usually witnessed, especially if the other needed to be dominant. A big part of talking to people about Christ is listening without judging and defending. Witnessing works well when people (not necessarily their excuses or belief systems) feel respected and treated as equals. I found that Christians all too often failed in this, so I prefered going it alone.

When I came back to my friend after talking to others in the park, I found him in conversation with some guy who kept saying, "But there's something that just keeps me from going back to God." My friend kept saying one thing, then another, but nothing seemed to strike home for the guy.

I had been reading a book called "Love Is Now," which told me I should love myself - rather radical in the early 70s and I found it helpful, so when I saw my friend was getting nowhere I piped up, "You know, it might be that you need to forgive yourself." As soon as the words came out of my mouth I felt a very strong sense not to clarify what he mistakingly heard me say. "That's it!" he exclaimed. "There's these guys that hurt me really bad. I need to forgive them." My friend and I prayed for him as he rededicated his life to Christ.

Those were the few words I said the entire weekend I was with my friend in Oakland, but a week or two later I decided that although I learned how hard it is to tame the tongue; being silent was not the solution, and in fact, it just wasn't fun. So instead, I'd trust the grace of God to cleanse me from the multitude of stupid things that come out of my mouth. For better and for worse, I have not tried since then to keep my mouth quiet.

By the way, is there somebody or some people, or even a church that you have not forgiven? Is there bitterness in your heart? It will keep you from God and it will eat away at your life. Forgiveness is not always easy; it does not always happen overnight, but it is necessary. Learn to say, "I forgive." And if you can't say it, begin a process of working with that goal in mind, because some day when you are able to say, "I forgive," you will find freedom.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Zealous Hitchhiker


On one of my many trips from Charleston to Jacksonville I picked up a hitchhiker somewhere outside of Savannah, GA. I was in a bad mood and picked him up out of duty more than any desire to witness or make a new friend. In fact, I think that day I decided I didn't even want to talk about Jesus.

So the guy obviously saw my racing stripe that said "Jesus is the Way" and he saw all the stickers on my car saying "Honk if you love Jesus," and who knows what else they said about Jesus, but I had a bunch on my car. While the guy gets into the car he starts getting all excited, "This is the third car in a row that picked me up with a Christian driver, we're going to have a revival today!"

Turns out the guy was a backslidden Christian and God was definately doing something about that the day he hitchiked. I didn't even want to talk to the guy and here he is getting all excited about getting right with God. I spent the whole ride talking to him about what kind of church he should get involved in. I believe we ended up on some Baptist church he knew about.

I never knew how most people turned out after I left them. I was a hit and run evangelist. All I could do is encourage new believers to get into a Bible teaching church (people usually knew of one and it didn't matter much about denominations), read their Bible regularly, and pray.

By this time in my life I had discovered the need for church, Bible study and prayer. When any of these lacked, the Christian life was difficult, shallow and distant. When I was doing all 3 life in Christ was much more natural.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dueling Neighbors

MAY 1973

1. Mrs. G is a faithful member at the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church with farming property next to her house outside Peteluma.
2. Christian hippies live in a house (a commune) behind her property.
3. The Jesus' hippies home has a right of way travelling smack dab through the middle of the farm land of Mrs. G - it is a driveway to their house.
4. Mrs G hates hippies.

Like I mentioned in another blog, I attended both of these places, so I heard the inside information from both sides. The hippies knew that Mrs. G didn't like them and brought it up a time or two. Even still they did not speak bad about her. They talked about her like she was a quaint harmless lady who had issues with them.

Meanwhile, in town at the CMA church, I heard Mrs. G telling her friends that God had been convicting her about shooting her shotgun at the hippies. I didn't ask.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Crazy Church

JUNE 1973

I had another friend at the Coast Guard station in Peteluma who was a Christian but not Pentecostal. In other words he didn't believe in or didn't know about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with Speaking in tongues. I felt very strongly that this was an important part of living a victorious life in Christ, so I convinced him to go with me to a Pentecostal church - a small Assemblies of God church where the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was taught.

We walked into a church with about 40 people in it. The Pastor who met us at the front was very nice, so I had great hopes that this would be a good service to help my friend get a deeper walk with Christ.

As we sat down a I noticed that the church was a little odd. First a drooling lady in front got up and turned to a friend, "Hi Gerty." She was unusually strange and repulsive, but I thought to myself that I should not be judgmental, so I pushed away my feelings and waited for the service to begin. We sang a few hymns and then the pastor introduced the guest speaker - a traveling evangelist. My heart sank.

Pentecostal preachers that I knew could easily preach 45 minutes to an hour. And if the "Holy Spirit" was leading them, they could go much longer, but in the case of visiting evangelists, anything could happen and usually did in the few times I saw them, which always seemed to be days I brought guests.

This one spent his entire sermon pacing the stage, yelling, frothing at the mouth, and getting all emotional saying one thing over and over and over for the 30 minutes my friend and I could handle being there: "If you want to be free," he preached, "you have to get know how to praise the Lord." No kidding - that's all he said for one half an hour, for 30 long minutes, 1,800 dragged out seconds of my life; and while he paced the stage back and forth the congregation got louder and louder; and while they got louder and louder my friend and I got more and more uncomfortable; and as we got more and more uncomfortable, the travelling visiting evangelist focused his attention more and more on me and my friend looking right at us as he preached, "If you can't praise the Lord, Satan has bound you and you need to get freed. And you can get freed if you praise the Lord, and raise up your hands and shout, Halleluia; Praise the Lord! Amen! Can I hear an amen? Can I hear an amen? Halleluia! Shout to God! Let's get excited and praise God! So many are bound by Satan, they can't praise the Lord (he looked at my friend and me), but you can be free!" Oh everybody got so into it. There was loud praising and excited response from all the congregation. From the drooling lady to Gerty, they were all swept into his excitement, everybody that is except me and my friend.

Finally, after 30 minutes of nonstop verbal abuse, I turned to my friend and without saying anything, we both got up and started walked out of the church. I had given up all hope that God would meet us there in some sort of blessing for my friend.