Sunday, January 4, 2009

Healed Again


During my 3rd year in College, Dr. Yanghi Cho spoke at two of our chapels. Dr. Cho was the pastor of the largest church in the world at the time with over 750,000 members in his church in Seoul, Korea. He had a healing service on the first day and some interesting things happened...
1- He didn't like the fact that in the U.S. people would always fall down (slain in the spirit). He didn't know why people did here.
2- He had a healing service after the sermon where he gave word of knowledge about people being healed. Let me put it briefly, my sinuses were healed - totally - for one hour. Then they got unhealed. I heard other people have gone through the same experience of being healed and the next day things are right back to normal. Don't know what to make of this. I started putting these things in a place in my brain called the "I don't know what to make of it" box.


Although I didn't know what to make of this at the time, I have since learned that temporary healing like this are common. In an interview with BBC, the interviewer suggested to Benny Hinn that the the placebo effect might be the reason so many people seem to be healed. In his normal dazed look, Benny admitted that in some cases it might be so. He also admitted the placebo would explain why people get up out of their wheelchairs on stage only to return to them later.

Temporary healing is a result - not of God's trickery and not the result of losing faith - but rather, it is that fact that so much so called healing is from the body's own reactions to expectation and the trust in some authority - or in other words, "the placebo effect."