Sunday, January 11, 2009

Called to Missions

DECEMBER 31, 1974

At a New Year's Eve service I was feeling like something had been missing for some time in my life. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, so I prayed about it hoping that God would reveal it to me. I knew this feeling because every time I felt it, I knew there was something that I was missing, something that I needed to discover about myself. So I prayed and over and over my thoughts went back to the day I thought God was calling me to missions.

I had been joking around with a friend one day and he kidded about me being a missionary. The second he said it, I said, "That's it!" As I read the Bible that night the verses all directed me to follow up on it and prepare for being a missionary. But I was engaged to Dru at the time and I didn't think she was the mesions type, so I eventually dropped the idea of missions. During that watchnight service I realized God was serious about missions, so that same night I rededicated my life to missions.